New Patient Forms

New patient information and health history forms will be automatically sent to your email when you make an appointment.

Payment Information

Dr. Hall is an in-network provider for some insurances, including Premera, Lifewise, Regence, Aetna, and some United Health plans. You must call your own insurance company before your appointment to understand your benefits. Our office cannot tell you whether or not your insurance will cover your visit. Dr. Hall is non-participating in Medicare and Medicaid. He is out-of-network with Cigna.

Some services are not covered by insurance and must be paid for directly by the patient at the time of service. If you need such services, Dr. Hall will discuss this with you at the time of your visit so you will know ahead of time before the service is completed.  

For patients with insurances Dr. Hall does not accept, he will take payment at the time of service and give you a form that provides the diagnosis information so you may submit it to your insurance company for reimbursement, if your plan so allows.  We accept cash, checks, Visa, Mastercard, and American Express. 

Cancellation/No-Show Policy

If you need to cancel or reschedule an appointment, please do so, either on-line or leave Dr. Hall a voicemail at 425-557-7706, more than 24 hours in advance. The scheduling software will not allow you to cancel or change an appointment with less than 24 hour notice. You can book an appointment up to 10 hours in advance. 

If you notify us about your need to cancel or reschedule with less than 24 hours notice, terms are negotiable. No-show and late cancellation without notice are billed $125, payable before rescheduling. This fee is not covered by insurance. Please be sure the email address you entered into the scheduling system is accurate, so that you receive your reminders. 

Office Location

120 1st. Ave NW
Issaquah, WA 98027
Phone (425) 557-7706
Fax (425) 557-0595

Directions from East or West I-90

  1. Take Front St. Exit (Exit 17), go south off of exit (left coming west, right going east).

  2. Turn right on Alder Place.

  3. Go to the second stop sign and turn right onto 1st AVE (not Place).

  4. Go north one house and turn right into the parking lot of Tiger Mountain Acupuncture.